Oh my god! Finally my schedule fit in for me to create a blog. I have been dreaming of doing this blog for a long time. (Yes! It is my dream! Lol). I don't care if I'm just new or what, at least I can be a future Laureen Uy, Camille Co, Nicole Andersson or Kryz Uy someday. Lol. As if! Haha. :D They are my favorite bloggers and they inspire me a lot.

Well, this blog of mine hopes to inspire you too. I'm just an ordinary person but nobody knows who I will be someday. :D This can help for some who desires also to be a blogger someday. Like me: "A Total Blogger Wanna Be". Here I can share my thoughts, feelings, travels, achievements, food trips and even my outfits. By the way, let me introduced myself first:

I'm Julie Ann de Guzman. Young from Philippines. Marketing Management student from Far Eastern University. That's it for now. On the following posts I will write, you will know me a lot better. :) And hope to inspire you more and to my future readers, hope we can be friends :D.

So here you go, watch out for the NEW KID ON THE BLOCK.


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