The Usual Date of #JulieAndJason

021415: Valentines Day
Like what they've said, "Better late than never" HAHAHA :D Anyway, I would just like to share of what I and my boyfriend did during Valentines Day.

What was planned is that we will watched 50 Shades of Grey, but unfortunately, in Robinsons Magnolia where we want to have our date, the tickets are sold out. So, we just decided to just watch That Thing Called Tadhana, but then again, the queue is so long. And we have don't have enough patience to do that. HAHAHA :D

So here's what really happen during that day:

Since, it's a special day for couples like us. I want it to be more like extra special. First, on my look and onto my outfit. I usually have curly hair, so with the the helped of my friend, I ironed it to make it straight.

 How do I look? Am I beautiful? LOL.

So for my outfit:

I wore something that is into the season. It was really cold that day or I just felt not so well, so I wore a long sleeves blouse with heart-shapes on it, to make it more like into Valentines day. Hahaha :D And I want to have sexier look, so I wore a bandage skirt to add into my outfit.

(Too much pictures? I know. Hahaha :D)

Anyway, move on ...

Since we have nothing to watch on that day, so we just decided to ate at my favorite restaurant: Classic Savory. It's good for those who are saving and budgeting their moneys. Since the two of us are not that rich, we just ate there and have a couple of times to talk and bond.


For me, it was really really a happy date. Though we did not proceed on what was really planned. But when you're with your special someone, whatever you do, simple or extraordinary, it will really make you happy as long as you're with him/her.

Yes, I admit that what we did is just what simple couples do. It is really the usual date. But for me, it was really really special. But, we both promised to each other that, on the following years, this usual date will become an extra special one for the both of us.



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