
Showing posts from 2015

The Boho and Rocker Chic

Christmas season is the most wonderful time of the year, and all of us would agree to that, aren't we? Christmas is the time where families bond together and even reunited together. We learn how to forgive, be grateful and thankful for what we have and what we receive. We also give and share love to others. Christmas is when our Savior was born. Without Him, all of us will be nothing. That is why this season is very much special to each and anyone of us.  To make it more special, we do it in the clothes we wear, to the decorations of the house and to the foods we prepare and eat during the season. What I would like to share to you is my outfit during Christmas day and my sister's as well. My outfit was inspired by the blogger Ida Anduyan. She's definitely a goal for me. Her outfits were unique and cool as hell. I love how she combine skirts to crop tops and sneakers. So what I did last December 25 is that I choose an outfit that is inspired by her. Even if I didn'

Summer In November

November is known for celebrating All Soul's and All Saint's Day, right? Since some of the students are still having their semestral break during that time, families can still have a vacation before the classes resume. So, even if it is November, we can still go to beaches and have some fun there. There's nothing wrong in experiencing summer in November.  Matabungkay Beach in Batangas is where my family decided to go to. My uncle who have been there already said that, it is fun to try there floating cottages there, which is new for me to try on. We drove there early morning for like 3 hours from Manila. When we got there, there's a lot of men who are encouraging us to make our stay in their own floating cottages. Warning! ... Some of them are illegal in business, that's why you better choose wisely! The cottage that we rent is for only P1,000 for 10 hours already from 7am-5pm  (yes! you heard it right! but during peak season, the price of it are doubled or t


Have you ever face or conquer your fear? Well, FEAR NOT! I, myself also have a fear which is fear of heights or also called Acrophobia. If we ever passed by a bridge, I can't look under it. Even when we are on the mall, I can't look under when we are on the high floors. I tried, but I got sweaty every time I am challenged to do it. Well, there's one time I have to face my fear. That's the time when my family and relatives went to an outing in Boso-Boso Highlands Resort in Antipolo. One of the adventures that we will try is to do zipline. LIKE WHATTTT? Are you kidding me? Hell NO! But when they all decided to do it, I was the one left alone which is shameful for me for not trying. So, I tried it!!! At first, I was like crying a LOT coz I really don't know what to do. But my family are trying to encourage and comfort me that I can do it. But everytime I look how high it was, I was shaking, and at some point I think I'm gonna collapsed. So what did I do? I ju